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At Life's Work Coaching, we believe in the importance of inner-emotional-work, the deep connections we can find in the natural world and the power of transformational processes. We have dedicated our Life's Work to fostering heart-centered service to others, and we welcome you to reach out to us to find out more about the types of coaching, activities, retreats and services we offer.

Life's Work Coaching with

Adam DeVaney, LCSW, CECP

Emotional Release Specialist to Counselors,

Social Workers and other Health Licensed Professionals

As a psychotherapist with over a decade of experience working with clients from all walks of life, Adam has now dedicated himself to helping other health licensed professionals like therapists, social workers, psychiatrists and doctors with the important, emotional, inner-work that is required to succeed and thrive in our professional and personal lives.


Even though we are in the helping professions, we still all have traumas, negative experiences and some toxic relationships in our past to name just a few of the things that continue to vex us, and as busy professionals, it can be hard to sort through all the different types of healing modalities to find the right one to help us with the types of healing that we need.


Dr. Bradley Nelson has created a quick, effective and permanent method through the Emotion Code Releasing Process that can cut right to the heart of the matter, saving busy professionals like you both time, money and the guesswork of trying to find the approach that gets the best results in the shortest time. Even if you have tried traditional therapy modalities in the past, it may just be time for a simple approach that gets you the results you have been looking for all along.


Welcome to a space that has surpassed my wildest dreams in my own healing and the healing of my clients. It's hard to capture in words what it means to have the "volume" turned down on hurts, traumas and losses. Through focusing on important relationships, this process cuts right to the core negative experiences and challenges in our lives leaving us with a new sense of inner-balance and personal freedom. 

Life's Work Coaching with

Mandi DeVaney, RMA

Women's Embodiment Wellness Coach and Equine

Inspired Learning Specialist

Reclaim Your Power with Mandi: A Body Wise Approach


In our journey through life, health, and wellness, it's easy to give our power away, believing that professionals know what's best for us. While we are truly blessed to have various healing modalities available, the deepest wisdom about our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls resides within us.


Through my own struggles with balance in life, health issues, and the pursuit of happiness, I learned the vital importance of aligning with my soul's purpose. I often felt that something was missing, and my soul yearned for balance, knowledge, and alignment. Over time, I discovered that the wisdom I sought was within me, within my body. I realized the necessity of embodying my lived experiences with compassion and love for myself.


Recognizing that I'm not alone in facing these challenges, I have dedicated my life to holding space for others and guiding them on their path of self-discovery and empowerment. The Life's Work Coaching Program—a Body Wise Approach—is a sacred journey tailored for one-on-one mentorship. As your guide and mentor, I am deeply committed to the belief that life and health function as an interconnected ecosystem, a harmonious dance between mind, body, and soul.


In this nurturing and safe environment, I will support you in reclaiming your power and discovering your own inner wisdom and balance. Together, we will explore ways to align with your true purpose, fostering growth and transformation in every aspect of your life. Join me on this journey, and let's uncover the profound changes that come from living in harmony with your authentic self.

All Companies Overseen by NVisionBeyond, Inc.

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